We are recruiting volunteers to join Healthwatch Southend’s Advisory Group to make sure the voice of local people is heard. Health and care services are changing rapidly at the moment, not least because of coronavirus, so it’s really important to find out what local residents think and get this built in to the plans of the NHS and Council.
We are the independent voice of the people of Southend who use health and care services. We work to make sure that your views and experiences – good and not so good – help the NHS and Social Services improve the care you, your families and friends receive.
In return, we can offer the chance to give something back to your community. We offer training and you will gain skills and experience, which could help with your next challenge. We're especially keen to hear from groups who aren't often heard - people with disabilities, different ethnic minorities or people who identify as LGBT+, for example. You don't need previous experience of working on committees.
If you want to find out more, call us on (01702) 416320 or drop us a line at info@healthwatchsouthend.co.uk and we’ll get back in touch as soon as we can.