Some drugs for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are in short supply across the country. The supply disruption of these products is caused by a combination of manufacturing issues and an increased global demand. The NHS thinks this could continue until December 2023.
The Mid & South Essex Integrated Care Board, which funds NHS services locally, has issued some information for patients, parents and carers about the shortages.
Pharmacies may use different suppliers or wholesalers to source medicines so availability will depend on whether each pharmacy’s suppliers have stock or not. Please try visiting independent pharmacies as well as the larger pharmacy chains, as their suppliers will differ.
You can also use this website to see if the drugs you need are available at a Boots Pharmacy:
This isn't an advert for Boots, but we hope it helps - it is the only website we have found. You may have to travel and there is no guarantee that your particular medicine will be available when you arrive.
If you are having problems getting the medication you or someone you care for needs, please contact your GP (if they gave you your last prescription) or or the specialist service (eg the Lighthouse). There are different drugs available, but make sure you ask:
what are the options?
what are the pros and cons of each?
how do I get the support I need to make a decision which is right for me, or the person I care for?
Have you had problems? Let us know your experiences.